Shoreline Historical Museum

Photo detail for SHM-3094.jpg

1927. Bill and Margie Rainwater started the Bitter Lake Bathing Beach

Around 1926, Bill Rainwater purchased land at the south end of Bitter Lake. He and his partners, the Parks brothers, spent a year or more blasting, tree cutting, brush-clearing and land-filling. Finally, a large flat area was ready for the construction of the Bitter Lake Amusement Park. A bathhouse and a high toboggan slide were built at the swimming area. A swing ride called the "Glider" and another one called the "Rolic" and many other concessions common to carnivals were brought in. Photo courtesy of Betty Godby.

1927. Bill and Margie Rainwater started the Bitter Lake Bathing Beach


Catalog number: SHM-3094
Dimensions: 953 x 640
File size: 319,994

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