Shoreline Historical Museum

Photo detail for SHM-122.jpg

1978. Pioneers Annie Olson, Lena Voreis, Minnie Daly, Lena Voreis

Lunch held April 2, article dated May 3, 1978. The Shoreline Museum presented a birthday cake to three Shoreline pioneers at its membership luncheon. Anne Olson, Lena Vories and Minnie Dalby, all of whom will be 89 years old this year, were Shoreline residents before 1900. Mrs. Vories is reputed to be the first child forn in Shoreline to pioneer parents. Shoreline Journal, Wednesday, May 3, 1978.

1978. Pioneers Annie Olson, Lena Voreis, Minnie Daly, Lena Voreis


Catalog number: SHM-122
Dimensions: 812 x 640
File size: 278,713

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